Travel is my passion! I know, I know, travel is everyone’s passion! But, no, really…I go through withdrawals if I can’t travel! I feel it deep down in my bones. Something is just missing. For over ten years, I was a stay at home mom raising three boys. I homeschooled them and we LOVED field trips! We took our boys to St. Augustine, Florida to see the Castillo de San Marcus National Monument, New York City to visit the Statue of Liberty and Time Square, and Gettysburg, Pennsylvania to tour the battle sites. My boys have seen the Liberty Bell in Philadelphia and the changing of the guards at Arlington Cemetery. They have toured our state Capitol Building, the US Capitol Building, and the White House. We have been to Hawaii, Alaska, and overseas….Travel is my PASSION!

Growing up, we vacationed. We camped at the little amusement park an hour away from our home, we went to Wisconsin Dells, and Gatlinburg, Tennessee. And when I was five years old, we went on the ultimate bucket list trip. Well, the ultimate bucket list trip for a little girl who was in love with Mickey Mouse. We went to Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida! Oh, was my heart full! I saved all my money to purchase a Mickey Mouse stuffed animal that was as tall as me!

As I got older, beaches and adventures topped my bucket list. Cocoa Beach, Tampa, Panama City Beach, St. Augustine, Key West, Maui, Hawaii, Greece, Santa Monica Beach, Long Beach….I could go on forever. There is absolutely nothing better than waking up to a beautiful sunrise and ending the evening with an amazing sunset!

Bucket List trips vary dramatically. Not just by person, but your desires change depending on the season of life you are in. As you can tell, we have traveled a LOT! I truly feel that everyone should not only have the option to travel but SHOULD travel! There is so much to see and so much to experience and learn in this great world! So many people ask what is your favorite? So, let me try to answer that question.

What is my favorite trip I have ever been on? My favorite was Disney World at five. The magic, the feeling you get when you walk into Magic Kingdom and see Cinderella’s Castle for the very first time. It’s unbelievable. My favorite was also Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. The excitement on my oldest son’s face to see all the battlegrounds in the area. My favorite was Maui, Hawaii and watching my younger two boys swim in the waterfalls. My favorite was Greece when my husband and I cruised the Greek Isles for our 20 year anniversary. My favorite was Alaska and cruising the Tracy Arm Fjord and seeing the whales, orcas, and harbor seals. My favorite trip is the last one, the next one, and most importantly the current one!

My Future Bucket…

  • World Cruise
  • Camping at all National Parks in the United States
  • Complete all 11 road trips listed on my website

Where do you want to go? What’s next on your bucket list?

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